It is time for our 2022-2023 8th Grade homeschool curriculum picks!

This year continuing to focus on more independent work skills. As students get into 6th, 7th, and 8th grades I think it’s important for them to learn more independent study skills and schedule their own workloads into manageable sections. We started introducing more independent work over the last couple of years, she will continue on with that again this year.
We will be using Homeschool Planet to keep track of our records this year, they also have pre-made lesson plans that make my life easier too!
Find lesson plans available for this product at Homeschool Planet. Sign up for a 30-day FREE trial.
Click here for more help with 8th grade, including lesson plans, curriculum picks, reading lists, and more!
8th Grade Curriculum:
- Art: World’s Greatest Artists 2
- Bible: Word of Life Challenger Quiet Time devotion
- English/Grammar: IEW FixIt! Grammar
- History: Abeka – America Land I Love
- Literature: Books from our 8th Grade Reading list
- Math: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra (+ Homeschool Planet Pre-Made Lesson Plans)
- Science: Science Shepherd Life Science (And maybe a scientist unit if we can fit it in!)
- Spelling: Spelling You See G (+ Homeschool Planet Pre-Made Lesson Plans)
- Writing: Theme Based Writing: Following Narnia 2 (+ Homeschool Planet Pre-Made Lesson Plan)
- Vocabulary: Compass Classroom Word Up! (This is a new program, check out our review here!)
Options: We also participate in a once-a-week options program through our local school district. They offer a variety of classes that help supplement our homeschooling. It also provides the kids with a fun day where they get to see their friends and participate in a classroom environment. This year she will be doing science, journalism, language arts, art, and PE through our options program.
Get more 8th Grade Homeschool Help here!
- Top 8th Grade Curriculum Picks
- 8th Grade Daily Schedule
- Lesson Plans
- All 8th Grade Posts
- 8th Grade Reading List
Click here to see what our 8th-grade daily schedule looks like!

And that’s it for our 8th-grade curriculum lineup this year! I’ll try to do a mid-year update to let you all know how it’s going. We’re trying some new curriculum this year, so that’s always exciting!

So you’ve finally decided to homeschool…but have no clue where to get started? Check out my How to Homeschool Course and I will help guide you through your homeschooling journey step-by-step!
What makes this class unique is that I am going to show the logistics you need to know to get started homeschooling as well as teach you how to choose the best curriculum for your family, organize your homeschool, and schedule your days!
We’ll talk about homeschooling laws, getting started homeschooling, choosing the best curriculum for your family, what to teach and when, setting a realistic daily schedule, and organizing all of that homeschooling ‘stuff’ so you can have your best year homeschooling ever!
Together we’ll make your homeschooling journey rewarding and inspiring!

Check out my Tip Tuesday Videos! Make sure to click the image below to check out all of my homeschooling tips!
I know getting started can be overwhelming! I wrote a book called Homeschooling 101 that will help answer all of your questions on how to get started homeschooling, choosing curriculum, creating lesson plans, etc. For more information on homeschooling check out my Homeschooling 101: A guide to getting started!