The Ultimate English Paper Piecing Project Planner is an 8×10 PDF download including 54 full-color planning pages!
Since it’s a PDF, it is also customizable so you can print more or less of the planning pages, making this planner totally customizable and unique to fit your needs!

Download this fun and colorful English paper piecing project planner to keep track of all your EPP projects!
My EPP planner pages include basic EPP information on how to baste, recommended thread and fabric, recommended needles, and some of my favorite EPP supplies as well. I included a dream EPP project page to keep track of upcoming projects you want to remember. And of course, it includes individual EPP project pages to keep track of all of your EPP projects including sketch areas where you can draw in your own designs or keep track of notes, changes, etc.
The Ultimate English Paper Piecing Project Planner is an 8×10 PDF download including:
- 54 full-color planning pages
- An overview project planning page
- Helpful EPP Information Pages
- EPP Project Planning Pages
- Dream EPP Pages
- Notes Pages

I came here thinking this was a guide to planing out papers for english class not quilting😂.
LOL! I do have lesson planners too haha!