Hi everyone! I have a fun freebie for you today! I get so many requests for printable calendars, and so I create two versions of this for you.
This download comes with two different calendars to help fit your unique needs. For kiddos who need more handwriting and number writing practice, I’ve created a traceable version where they can practice number formation and counting. I’ve also created one with numbers already printed for students not ready for handwriting, or for students who already know how to write numbers well.
To use the traceable calendar: Have students use a marker or pencil to trace each number, then have student count up to today’s number.
To use the dot calendar: Have students use stickers or a bingo dabber to mark each day as it passes. Have students start back at one and count up to today’s number for counting practice. If they’re ready you might also encourage them to count only odd or even numbers.
Alternate advanced ideas:
Have students create a pattern as they write/mark their dates. For example write odd numbers in red and even numbers in blue (ABA pattern). For more advanced patterns, use multiple colors to create more patterns. Here are a few patterns you can encourage your kiddos to use when working with daily calendars:
- AAB (i.e.: red, red, blue)
- ABBA (i.e.: red, blue, blue, red)
- ABAB (i.e.: red, blue, red, blue)
- ABC (i.e.: red, blue, green)
You can also use stickers (i.e.: star, smiley face, star) to create patterns as well, so feel free to get creative with your calendars!
Weather: I’ve also included a small weather graph at the bottom of the monthly calendar as well. Have students either color one square or put an “x” in one square for the appropriate weather each day. At the end of the month compare to see which type of weather was most/least common.
–>> Download the March 2019 Printable Calendar pages here!
Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you enjoy these monthly calendars and that they make your homeschool days a little more fun and engaging!
Hello! Your March calendar only has 28 days–didn’t think that was intentional and wanted to let you know!
Oops, thanks I’ve updated it sorry about that!!
Thank you! We love your calendars.
There is enough squares for the weather
I put as many squares as would fit, so yes if you end up with 31 days of the exact same weather I can see where that might be an issue, otherwise hopefully you have a variety of weather through the month 🙂