Hi friends! It’s time for the 2017-2018 Homeschool Lesson Planner! This planner is specifically designed for homeschool lesson planning to help you keep track of assignments, grades, reading, and any appointments or activities that you might need!

NOTE: This planner is a download and print type planner, it is not editable via computer at this time, sorry!



The 2017-2018 (8Ă—10 Portrait Layout) Lesson Planner is a full sheet planner for those of you who like more room!

You can use this for your own teacher lesson planning, or for your students to help keep track of assignments, grades, reading, and any appointments or activities that you might need!


What’s included?

This planner includes colorful weekly planner pages for the July 2017 – July 2018 school year. This planner is 8×10 portrait format for easier printing and binding. It includes 164 pages total.

  • Planner runs from July 2017 – July 2018 and is pre-dated
  • 2017-2018 year-at-a-glance pages
  • Monthly overview pages
  • Weekly planning pages
  • Notes pages
  • A reading log for each month
  • Annual grade tracking pages
  • Running grade tracking pages
  • Attendance tracking


Homeschool Extra Forms

This planner also comes with a variety of forms to help you with your planning and record keeping. If there’s a form I forgot, feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to add one in! Most of these forms were created to go along with my Homeschooling 101: A Guide to Getting Started Book. Hopefully they’re fairly self explanatory but you can use them however best suits your needs.


  • Grade Book Record Keeping
  • Homeschooling Vision Statement
  • Notice of Intent to Homeschool
  • Household Rules Chart (There are a couple versions of this, one partially filled in and one blank.)
  • Behavior & Discipline Chart
  • Our Family Schedule
  • Our Commitment Worksheet
  • Our Curriculum
  • Curriculum Plan Overview
  • Weekly Subject overview
  • Weekly Schedule Overview
  • Our Book List
  • My Reading Log
  • Planned Field Trips
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Craft Supply List
  • Homeschool Supply Shopping List
  • Photocopies Needed List
  • Unit Study Planner
  • Preschool Assessment Form
  • kindergarten Assessment Form
  • Sight Word Assessment Form (Covers Primer – 3rd Grade)
  • Homeschool Attendance Records
  • Homeschool Long Term Grade Records
  • Super Mom vs. Abiding Mom Printable
  • Year at-a-Glance Calendars (2013-2016)
  • Blank Planner Pages to customize


How do I use the planner?

I printed the planner and forms, then took mine to a local office supply store and had it spiral bound. It cost about $4.00 for the spiral, plastic cover, and backing. You can even print an extra one for your students if they prefer to work off of their own planner.

Next get some colorful pens, I like Frixion erasable pens, and start planning! The current weeks are already dated along the top of each page. All you have to do is fill in the subjects down the left hand column.


Next add in your lessons on the lines provided. You can use the lines to write in lessons for each child as indicated below.


I like to use different colored pens for each of my children.


As you proceed through your lessons, highlight the completed items so you know that they are finished.



This super fun planner is available right now! And you are more than welcome to print extra copies for yourself or your children, so you do not need to purchase one planner per person. Yay for sharing!



PLEASE NOTE: This item is currently only available as a download. I suggest printing the file double sided, then have it spiral bound at a local copy store. I would suggest printing it on a light weight cardstock for durability and to prevent ink bleeding through the pages.

If your printer doesn’t have double sided printing, you can simply print all of the odd pages, then flip and print the even pages on the back side. Just make sure you’re pages are set up in the right order to print the correct pages on the backsides.


  1. Erica, I bought your lesson planner a couple years ago – it’s so beautifully designed and makes me happy to look at! But I had difficulty writing on top of the colored portion of the paper. Darker pens bled through to the other side, but lighter pens just didn’t write well on the ink. Do you have any advice to help with this? Thank you!

    1. I have that same question.
      At first, I thought half pages would be tough to fit everything in, but your pages were so well-designed that half pages are really all that’s needed.
      I especially loved the monthly spread over 2 pages!
      And you were right, fitting a booklet like that into ANY bag was just so much easier!! PLEASE, – could you make your half pages available for 2017 again???!!!??

  2. Thank you for doing work for many homeschool moms. (^.^)
    Is there any possible to make a planner from Jan. to Dec.?
    I really like your planner, especially lesson plans for the week.
    Our school would start Jan. Would you let me know?
    I will be appreciate it a lot. Thank you.

    Yousun Lee
  3. I love your blog! So inspiring! Do you happen to have a version that has only Monday – Friday on the planning pages, giving you more space to jot down more per subject?

    1. Hi Robyn,
      Yes you’re welcome to have it printed wherever works best for you! I prefer the spiral binding because we leave it flipped open to the current week we’re working on, but I’m sure office supply stores have other binding options.


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