Hi everyone! I reviewed a product for The Foto Finch a while back and we loved it. Strawberry Shortcake used it last year as her elective class. She loves to take pictures and it really helped her with learning how to use her camera as well as how to put together a well composed shot.
My other kiddos were anxious to try out the program themselves, but I wasn’t sure if it would be too difficult since they are younger. And so today I wanted to share with you the elementary level version that is now available!
Along with written lessons, assignments, and activities, the elementary level curriculum also comes with video lessons to help explain the concepts and assignments which I love. That way students can choose whether the prefer to read the lessons, or watch them online. My son prefers to watch the video lessons and honestly so do I.
Each lesson is followed by a hands-on activity to help solidify the concepts taught.
Just to give you an idea of the lessons, there are instructions on a variety of lighting, the rule of thirds, the use of lines, framing, balancing, perspective, and negative space. Each lesson has 2-4 activities in it with a total of 23 weeks worth of activities. Since this is an elective course for use, we just did it once a week to help spread it out over the course of our year.
This course does NOT require any previous photography experience, and it’s designed to give your student a basic understanding to visual art composition. They will learn how to arrange the elements in their surroundings to create interesting and captivating images. We used items found in our everyday life, so we didn’t have to do anything more than just head outside, or set up a shoot in our home.
Last year I printed out the lessons for Strawberry Shortcake, but for this one I just left the PDF files on my computer so that we use the videos, then access the PDFs when needed. They’re also well illustrated which I think helps make it easier for younger students to grasp concepts.
So far Turbo is enjoying the curriculum, and I like that it gives him a creative elective to do this year as well!
If you have older students The Foto Finch also offers courses for middle/high school students as well. Right now you can get their products on CD or digital download which makes it nice. You can see what they have to offer here:
Elementary Courses:
Middle/High School Courses:
Can’t wait? I have a special 20% OFF coupon you can use for your Foto Finch purchase! Use coupon code: COAH20
This coupon is good of any Foto Finch product, expires Dec. 31, 2015
The Foto Finch family is preparing for the mission field in Ireland, and all proceeds from their sales will go towards helping them meet that goal! So not only are you getting a great curriculum, but you’re also helping to support an awesome family with a heart for mission work! You can follow their journey at www.treuimage.com.
Win It!
Of course you know how I love to give things away to you all, so I have a free copy of the digital download version of Composition for Elementary Students for one of you!
Just fill out the rafflecopter below to enter!
Hi, I know this post is several years old but as soon as my daughter said she wanted to learn photography I Googles you and photography knowing something would come up
do you still remember if the HS/MS version is good for 5th and 6th grade? Or should I go with the elementary? Thank you for your opinion
I would email Ernie, the creator and see what she recommends. If I recall correctly I think the HS/MS version is fine for 5th-6th grades.