Oh my goodness, I can’t believe another year has gone by, and it’s time to start planning for the 2015-16 school year! I’ve had so many requests for our curriculum choices, so I thought I better put up a post with our choices for next year.

Group and Independent work

I’m listing the full curriculum per grade level below, and anything you see in orange is a group activity. This means that we do it together with all of kiddos combined. I like to choose a variety of both teacher led, independent, and group curriculum so that I’m not too overwhelmed with teaching 4 students at different levels all at the same time. Group activities are done together, and I just expect a little different level of work out of my children depending on their grade and skill level.


But first I’d like to announce the Teeny Tot’s new blog name! Since I’ve started blogging back in 2008, you’ll see that the teeny tot has gotten just a wee big bigger. And since she really isn’t a teeny tot anymore, I’d like to present to you her new and much more grown up alias…presenting Miss Lady Bug!

And yes, I just cried a little.


It was fun finding photos of her for this post. I don’t know if you can tell, but in the photo on the left she’s sitting in one of our workboxes. Her favorite activity used to be dumping out the contents of the boxes and sitting in them. That and climbing up them. Our workboxes took quite a beating that year. Ahh…those were the days!

But she’s all big and independent now. Doesn’t need me as much, and can do just about everything on her own. But she still has the same great smile, and loves hugs and kisses. So I guess I’ll have to be okay with my baby growing up! If you’d like to take a trip down memory lane you can grab a box of tissues and browse through my Teeny Tot School Posts.

But moving on…here is her curriculum for the year. She’s in first grade this year, and wow. For some reason prek-kindergarten always seems like they’re still babies. But first grade. Man. Big kid in the house!


Miss Lady Bug: 1st Grade



Tinkerbell: 4th Grade



Turbo: 6th Grade



Strawberry Shortcake: 7th grade



Extra-Curricular & Group Activities:

We do writing as a group with my 4th, 6th, and 7th graders together. We’ll be continuing on with Institute for Excellence in Writing Group A Continuation program for next year.

We’ll also be using the The Renaissance & Reformation time traveler unit, after we finish up with our Middle Ages one from last year.

And everyone is super excited to be going through my  Expedition Earth Geography/Science Curriculum as well this year!

Here are a few other things we do on the side, and I’ll post our schedules by grade as well soon!

  • Options: This is a once a week co-op that we go to through our school district. Classes for my younger kiddos are mostly elective types like Spanish, science, art, music, & PE. Strawberry Shortcake has cool things like speech & debate, drama, computers, yearbook, literacy in film, home economics, and game theory.
  • Keepers of the Faith
  • Contenders of the Faith
  • Co-Op: DI Instant Challenges This is a once a month group of friends who get together, previously our LEGO group. We’re going to try making our own set of instant challenges for our co-op this year using the DI list as a guide.
  • Hockey & Swimming year round

Whew! Summer is blazing by, so I should probably go get some of this stuff planned eh?


Need HELP GETTING STARTED????? Get your copy of Homeschooling 101: A guide to getting started!


Need PLANNERS? Check out my fun homeschool lesson planners!


Need MORE IDEAS? Check out the awesome curriculum available on my website! Aside from the preschool and kindergarten curriculum, all of my units are geared towards elementary aged students from about  kinder-6th grade.

lotwcurriculumad k4curriculumad

roadtripcurriculumad EEcurriculumad

artistcurriculumad composerscurriculumad

classiclitcurriculumad Scientistcurriculumpromo


  1. Hi, we are doing the Renaissance to Reformation Project Passport as well. 🙂 How are you setting your schedule to make it spread through the whole schoolyear? Are you adding more to your history lessons?

    1. Hi Heather,
      Honestly I haven’t scheduled it yet, we’re doing that this weekend! But Normally I do history 2x per week, so we’ll see how it fits in. I still have a few lessons from last year we need to finish up too.

  2. Hello,
    I was wondering if you could tell me how you are liking Spelling You See versus All Aboit Spelling. I’ve been struggling to get through AAS with my boys, just because of how teacher involved it is. While I love the program, I’m wondering how SYS measures up against it.

    1. Hi Rebekah,
      I really like SYS a lot. I’m still using it in conjunction with All About Spelling for the younger grades because I like the phonics rules they cover so well. However for my older kiddos I’m prefering the SYS as they already learned most of the phonics rules from AAS and were ready to move to something else.

      1. Thank you Erica! My 9 and 11 year olds finished AAS Level 4 in May. They are burned out on it and I was thinking of trying SYS. Do you happen to know which level I should start them on? Or at least narrow it down? I appreciate any advice.

        Stephanie Malone
    2. We’re in our second year of SYS over here and I LOVE it. We struggled so much with my kids being resistant to spelling until we hit upon this one. No complaints, ever, and spelling has improved immensely. I believe they have a “find your level” worksheet on their website, if that helps anyone!

  3. Hi! I so struggle with incorporating art into our lives, especially messy art. Have you previously used the DVDs you mentioned? I have a 7, 5, and 2 yr old who may LOVE them, but I would like more info than the website gives. Have you done a review? 🙂

    kim lavoie
  4. We have used Wordly Wise for years… I’m curious if you know how Vocabulary Workshop compares? My children don’t like Wordly Wise but I know the value in it so we keep doing it… but if this would replace it maybe something new would be helpful.

    1. I think they’re very similar in comparison. My kids seem to do a little bit better with the Vocabulary Workshop books, but honestly they’re quite similar. I don’t love either program to be honest, but if I have to pick one (and I haven’t really found a great vocab program that I just love) I am sticking with Vocab Workshop.

      1. Thanks – I think I’ll give it a try – if anything it will make them think for a bit it is something different and they won’t groan to see it on their list!

        We also have Maria’s Words, which is a vocab game using SAT words… going to add that to our list to do to make it fun.

  5. Thanks for sharing your picks! I’m curious about the challenger quiet time devotions. I’ve never heard of them before and I can’t find any reviews or details about them. What do they include? Have you used them before? What do you like about them? Thanks for any info! 🙂


    1. This will be our first year trying them out. I was referred to them by Courtney from Women Living Well. I have looked at them briefly, and they’re daily devotionals for kids, they have Mon.-Sat. devotions that are about 1 page for the older kids, and 1/2 pg for the little ones. They have reading, then fun activities for each day. Nothing too strenuous.

    1. Hi Mandy, I always used the mutli-level units since we have 4 different grade levels in our home. So I’m not sure about the levels, I would probably email them and ask. I wouldn’t think they’d be too different though.


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