Good morning! (Or afternoon, or evening, or whenever you’re reading this!) It’s a great day anytime we receive anything with the word “LEGO” on it!
We recently received the LEGO Ideas Book and the LEGO Play Book from DK Publishing.
The combination of the LEGO Ideas Book and LEGO Play Book is a great way to encourage kiddos to think logically, build super cool stuff, and play in a more creative way.
The LEGO Play Book includes over 200 different simple, medium, or complex LEGO build ideas. It also comes with a pack of LEGO pieces included for the projects.
The LEGO Ideas Book includes over 500 build ideas! It is broken up into 6 themed chapters – transportation, buildings, space, kingdoms, adventure, and useful makes.
The best part about the LEGO Ideas Book is that you don’t have to purchase any extra LEGO pieces to use it. You can take all of the zillion pieces your kiddos already have and use them to create new builds!
Here are a few of the LEGO build ideas included in the LEGO Idea Book:
Another cool book we received was the LEGO Minifigure Year by Year history book. I didn’t even realize it, but each year LEGO released some cool new mini-figures!
This book shows a visual history of the evolution of LEGO and includes 3 mini-figures as well!
I tried to go back and see which mini-figures they put out the year I was born… but apparently they didn’t put out any that year. Yes, I’m feeling old right about now.
So it looks like 1978 was the closest they had to my birthday. It was mostly community service workers and a few space guys.
1999 had a lot of cool astronauts, and still more community workers.
And the most recent year, 2013, brought about some interesting battle guys.
Just fill out the rafflecopter below to win a copy of the LEGO Idea Book and LEGO Play Book for your kiddos!
Have some fun LEGO learning ideas? Make sure to leave a comment below!
If we are picking from the posted amazon pages, the castle figures from 1978 are my favorite because I lived the castle series (which is coming back out now!), but I love the court jester from the lego kingdoms series.
2013 TMNT, Who doesn’t love turtle power?!?
with my girls just starting to enjoy Lego’s I would have to say Olivia for the Lego friends.
My 6yr old lil man is all about Ninjago right now and carries his mini figs with him everywhere he goes! I don’t know which year they came out, recently though.
We love any of the Lego Star Wars characters!
My boys love their Toy Story figures.
My favorite minifigure is hard to determine. I have several favorites. Probably my shiny C3-PO.
Mr. Gold is our favorite!! Still looking for him!
We love the Toy Soldier – 2013
We recently have two Lego fanatics in our home (4 year old and almost 7 year old). While my son is in love with the Minecraft sets, my daughter would collect minifigures for the rest of her life, currently the elf from series 11 is a household favorite!
we’d love to win this!