So you’ve finally decided to homeschool…but have no clue where to get started? After thousands of emails asking for help getting started homeschooling, I thought a book that set it all out for you in a step-by-step format would a great benefit to new and current homeschoolers!
Homeschooling 101 is a step by step practical guide that will help you to get started, and continue on in your homeschooling journey. It is designed to help guide you through all of the steps to getting started, choosing and gathering curriculum, creating effective lesson plans, scheduling your day, organizing your home, staying the course and more! It even includes helpful homeschooling forms!
Just the mere thought of homeschooling can be a very daunting task. Delving into the unknown can also create an element of self-doubt that fills your mind right off the bat. That coupled with an overwhelming task of choosing and gathering curriculum, creating lesson plans, organizing supplies, and teaching multiple grade levels can be quite disheartening.
But don’t worry, in this book it is my intention to offer you a step by step practical guide that will help you to get started and continue on in your homeschooling journey. I will help guide you through all of the steps to getting started, choosing and gathering curriculum, creating effective lesson plans, scheduling your day, organizing your home, staying the course, and more!
As you may have heard already, there is no one right way to homeschool. This book is by no means a rigid set of rules that must be followed exactly. Instead it is a tool to provide you with the means to get started in your journey. Take from it what makes sense for your family, and alter that which needs to be changed to fit the unique needs of your homeschool.
I thought a quick glimpse at the table of contents would help give you an idea of all the valuable goodies included in this book.
- Chapter 1: You’ve Decided to Homeschool… Now What?
- Chapter 2: Choosing Curriculum
- Chapter 3: Gathering Curriculum
- Chapter 4: Homeschool Convention Tips
- Chapter 5: Creating Effective Lesson Plans
- Chapter 6: Getting Organized
- Chapter 7; Starting School – Day 1
- Chapter 8: Homeschooling Multiple Grades
- Chapter 9: Homeschooling & Discipline
- Chapter 10: Standardized Testing
- Chapter 11: Homeschooling with Toddlers
- Chapter 12: Homeschooling Your Preschooler
- Chapter 13: Homeschooling Kindergarten & Elementary
- Chapter 14: Homeschooling Jr. & High School
- Chapter 15: Homeschooling on a Budget
- Chapter 16: Starting Homeschool Midyear
- Chapter 17: Switching Curriculum Midyear
- Chapter 18: Homeschooling an Only Child
- Chapter 19: Homeschooling & the Working Parent
- Chapter 20: Homeschooling & Special Needs
- Chapter 21: What about Socialization?
- Chapter 22: Time Management & Keeping your Sanity
- Chapter 23: Homeschool Burnout
- Chapter 24: Staying the Course & Naysayers
- Appendix (Helpful Homeschool Forms, including a FREE Lesson Planner!)
- Resources & Links
Make no mistake, this is not a pamphlet full of fluff, instead it is full of helpful information, tools, and resources! I also did my best to include requests from my readers as well, so hopefully I covered most things related to homeschooling.
While I realize that all homeschools are different, new homeschooling families still need a tangible starting point. With over 100 pages of valuable information and tools, Homeschooling 101 will guide you through your homeschooling process!
There is also a free printable lesson planner in the Appendix for all of you who would like a little color added to your day!
And of course I added a TON of awesome homeschool planning forms to help you get organized!
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You know I wouldn’t release something this big without giving away a free copy to one of you! Fill out the rafflecopter below to enter to win!
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UPDATED: This giveaway is now CLOSED.
Buy it now, then make sure to enter to win, and I’ll refund your purchase!
If you purchase from my store, you will receive a PDF downloadable version of this book.
Get your copy today!

I have a 4 year old, and we are considering homeschooling him. I really feel overwhelmed with the thought of it, so the first chapter sounds most interesting to me–How do I get started?! : )
definitely like to read up on homeschooling multiple grades at once. thanks. katharine.
You have such a great response. I want to get this and am thinking about the Road Trip through the USA. I’m trying to decide between that and the Core curriculum through Sonlight. Tough decisions to make, but you are really inspiring to me and a great help.
I love your organizational tips, and I love to read what others choose for curriculum.
Teaching multiple grades and how to pick curriculum that would be best for each child but still work all together.
I am enjoying your book. I downloaded it to my kindle but I am unable to print off the forms in the appendix. Do I need to buy these separately? They will be very useful to me because I am trying to get ready for our first year of homeschool! Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Love the book and your website. It has been a blessing. Thanks so much!
I just want to say THANK YOU!!! I haven’t yet read your book but I just bought it and plan to, I was trying to make it through Mary Pride’s Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschool (from 2004) .. I was 109 pages into the 580+ paged book. Reading everything word for word taking meticulous notes and trying to adapt it 9 years into to the Now. Tonight I skimmed her book and tried to get back to taking my notes and decided to shut the book and open yours! Yours is the information I was trying to scour from that old tome.. Thank you again and I plan to write a review when I am done!! Thanks for all that you do for us new to homeschooling families!
Hello, I am kind of new to checking out homeschooling info. I am very interested in your book, does it come in a hard copy or just digital versions? I do better with hard copies and would prefer that if you have it.
Thank You, Stashia
I absolutely LOVE your work. My homeschooling readers will be thrilled to read your book. I am featuring you on Monday February 17, 2014!!!
I have tried ordering this, and both times (yes, I know) it did not work. Could you see if I am maybe not doing it correctly or if it says I have for sure ordered it? Thank you.