Hi everyone! I wanted to do something fun and unusual today, so I made a homeschool room tour video to share with you all!

Iā€™m so sorry, it turned out kind of long, so I had to break it up into two parts. But for those of you interested in seeing our room ā€œliveā€ so to speak, grab a cup of coffee (youā€™ll need it to stay awake) and join me on a tour of our homeschool room!

Also, keep in mind this is my first real videoā€¦um. yeahā€¦just keep that in mind ;o) and it ended up being really long! Sorry I’ll try to talk less in future videos LOL!

Our Homeschool Room Tour Pt. 1

Our Homeschool Room Tour Pt. 2 (Yesā€¦thereā€™s actually more!)

So thatā€™s our current homeschool room for 2012-2013, I hope you enjoyed the video!

Here are links to all of the items mentioned above!

My school room is about 11ā€² x 14ā€², the total size of the desk is about 5ā€²x5ā€². Here are the items mentioned from Ikea:

Here are some more posts on homeschool things we love:


  1. Amazing post! I could watch your videos for hours! They are so detailed and I’m totally inspired! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I don’t know how you do all that you do!

  2. Thanks for sharing…it is always interesting to see how different families are able to organize all the stuff needed to homeschool.
    p.s. there are handcuffs on the ground under your kids desk šŸ™‚

  3. Erica, This was a great post! Thanks for sharing in a video. I started watching it to see what all you had and my 7 yr old daughter came by and stopped and watched the whole thing with me! At the end when you said “hope you enjoyed it” my daughter said “Yes I did!” She is definitely an organizer – like me!! This is our first year of homeschooling and finding your blog has been an encouragement to me. Thanks again. Tricia


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