–>> Get the Cursive Daily Learning Notebook here! <<–
The Daily Learning Notebook is a fun way to review basic math & calendar skills each day! This one is the same as my Elementary Daily Learning Notebook, however the pages are all in cursive for students who need to practice reading and writing cursive.
NOTE:The photos below show pages in manuscript, however your pages will be in Cursive.
The Daily Learning Notebook is a fun way to review basic math & calendar skills each day!
The first page talks about today’s date, days of the week, and numbers:
- What day is it?
- What was yesterday?
- What will it be tomorrow be?
- Write the date
- Color in the day number
- Is today’s number ODD or EVEN?
- Write today’s number
- Write the number that comes before and after today’s number
The next page covers money and time:
- What time is it?
- What time was it 1 hour ago?
- What time will it be in 2 hours?
- Make the date in coins.
Tally Marks: We also keep track of our days in school using tally marks, at the end of the month we’ll count up all of our school days then write the number in the circle at the bottom of that month’s box.
Place Value & Temperature: Practice place value using today’s date, as well as telling the temperature.
Name Writing Practice: This download includes blank writing lines so that your students can practice writing their names. There is only one per month, but if you want them to have more practice you can print extra pages.
100 days count down: We’re also keeping track of our days in school up to 100. If you can’t read the numbers below, don’t worry! Strawberry Shortcake has taken to writing fancy little stick people on all of her numbers…
Monthly Calendar and weather tracking: We are also tracking our calendar days in school, they’ll write the month on the top of each calendar, then write the day’s number each day. At the bottom of the page is a place to track weather for each month. At the end we’ll discuss which type of weather we had most, least, etc. (The download has months in year order: JANUARY – DECEMBER)
–>> Get the Cursive Daily Learning Notebook here! <<–
Ready for more of a challenge? Check out my other Daily Learning Notebook versions below!
- Kindergarten Daily Learning Notebook
- Elementary Daily Learning Notebook (Manuscript)
- Elementary Daily Learning Notebook (Cursive)
- Spanish Daily Learning Notebook
- French Daily Learning Notebook
- German Daily Learning Notebook
- Australian Daily Learning Notebook
MAC USERS: You will need to Install Adobe Reader, then set it as your default program to open PDF files. This will resolve any weird viewing issues you may have with PDF files. Safari tries to open the file in preview instead of full view which causes issues viewing and printing files. Hope that helps!
Awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to post this…my 2nd grader is so happy to have one in cursive. You Rock!
Thank you! These are such great learning tools!
We just started using the Daily Notebooks for both ages. My kids absolutely love them. Thank you so much – what a blessing!
I can’t tell you how excited I was this morning when I saw the Daily Notebook in Cursive. My daughter is just learning to write cursive! Thank you so much.
Erica –
FWIW, I’m on a Mac and I’ve downloaded all 3 Daily Notebooks (and countless other materials) with no problem. I’m using Chrome, not Safari.
I also just wanted to say THANK YOU!! The free printables you make are insanely amazing and I *really* appreciate everything you share with the rest of us! 🙂 I’m not a Homeschooler – I don’t think ANYONE in my family would survive the attempt ;p – but I found your site looking for anything to help my pre-kindergardener with calendar/days of the week which he was struggling with in pre-K and I found the motherlode on your site. SO. AWESOME. Not only are your materials easy enough to use for those of us who are not educationally inclined, but your design skills are inspirational!
Anyhoo, thanks again and best of luck!!
I’m going to preface this by saying it’s probably a dumb question.
We just started homeschooling a month ago & I love the idea of these books. How do people use the first couple pages (where you write the date, etc). Do you make multiple copies, put them in plastic sleeves and use dry erase? I’m probably over thinking this way too much.
Wowie! Thanks!! Downloading the Pre-K pack now.
I found your blog via the facebook link you posted in the Homeschooling Collective group. I absolutely love this! I printed it and laminated all of the pages so that we could reuse.
Erica! THANK YOU!!! I am always overwhelmed with gratitude with all that you offer!
I am curious…. what are the possibilities of a Pre-K cursive daily notebook? In our home we do Cursive First. Do you have anything like that available? (for purchase even….)
Thanks again Erica!
First of all, THANK YOU for all you do! I do not homeschool, but expand on what my son learns at school here at home. And just starting to dabble in some “Tot School” for my 15 month old.
I also have a Mac and have no issues seeing it (I do have Adobe Reader), but I do have some black lines on mine, but I think it’s certain fonts you used aren’t showing up. Like all of the headings you have and the Months in the boxes on page 7, (looks like a cursive font). Maybe I need to find that font and download it on my computer and that would help. Do you have a listing of what fonts you use?
Thank you again!