Welcome to day 10 of the 2012 ~ 10 Days of Homeschooling Blog Hop! This year my topic is 10 Days of Classic Literature. Over the last 10 days I have be sharing unit studies for classical literature, for a total of 10 units you can go through with your students!
Psst….GIVEAWAY ALERT!…at the end of the blog hop I’ll be offering a Giveaway for the ENTIRE set of Classical Literature unit studies, so make sure to enter at the bottom of this post!
Each unit study contains educational lessons, activities and a fun lap book that your students will work on as they progress through the book. They also include book reports, vocabulary, critical thinking, story timelines, and comprehension. These studies are geared towards grades Kindergarten-4th, but can probably be adapted for older students as well.
I really designed these units to be a fun addition to reading the classics. I didn’t want them to be too stressful for myself or my kiddos, but instead give them something fun to do along with the stories to help them remember what they’ve learned in a fun hands-on way. The lap books included are wonderful for reviewing subject matter, and a great creative interactive homeschooling tool.
And without any further ado…here is today’s unit:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory based on the book by Roald Dahl
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory is a novel by Roald Dahl. The story was inspired by Roald’s experience of chocolate companies during his school days. Cadbury and Rowntree’s were England’s two largest chocolate makers, both trying to steal trade secrets by sending spies into each other’s companies.
This story tells of a poor boy named Charlie who wins a golden ticket that enables him to visit Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory with four other children from around the world. Wonka’s factory had been closed for 15 years prior to the public so this new tour was an exciting event! Inside the factory Charlie finds strange fantastical rooms, including a chocolate-mixing room that looks like a huge garden, where everything is made of candy!
“Accidents” happen to the other children as they progress through the factory tour, leaving Charlie the only child left. But don’t worry, Wonka has a fun surprise for Charlie at the end of the tour!
In this unit students will create do a chocolate taste test, do some chocolate math, learn new vocabulary words, and do a character analysis.
They’ll also make a fun chocolate bites recipe, write a few lines of their own version of the Oompa Loompa’s song, and design their dream candy along with a recipe, and any unique features they can think of! They’ll also learn quite a few valuable character traits along the way!
The units also include forms for predicting story plots, character analysis, identifying the protagonist and antagonist, a story timeline, and a final book report on the novel.
Get your copy today and start learning with classic literature!Â
Can’t wait? You can get the whole set of 10 Classical Literature Units at a discount! Click below:
10 Classical Literature Unit Study Mega Pack
Win It!
Since I love to give things away for free, I’m offering a giveaway for all 10 Literature units!
Mandatory entry:
Simple leave a comment below to enter to win! I’ll be choosing 1 winner from all 10 days of comments, so make sure to come back and leave a comment for each study release!
Additional Optional Entries: (not required to win, leave a separate comment on this post for each additional entry)
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- Tweet about this giveaway, feel free to copy the text below:
Enter to win the Classic Lit Unit Pack from @ericahomeschool! Enter thru 4/27/11! /?p=8255
Nitty Gritty Giveaway Details:
- The give away will be open until midnight EST Friday April 27, 2012. Winner will be announced by Monday April 30, 2012.
- No purchase necessary to win.
- Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
- If prize winner forfeits or does not claim the prize, prize will be re-awarded at my sole discretion.
- Void where prohibited by law.
- Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, winner will be chosen at random!
- This giveaway is offered to US residents only!
- Odds of winning based on number of entries.
- This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
- NOTE: In order to enter the contest you must leave a comment on my blog post. To leave a comment scroll to the bottom of the post and fill in the “Speak Your Mind” form. (If you are reading this via RSS, you will need to visit my actual blog to post a comment.)
- Disclosure: I am offering a pack of all 10 unit studies for giveaway on my blog.
Click any of the buttons below to visit my 10 Day Series posts!
The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, click the image below to visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network.
With 28 blogs participating that’s 280 posts packed full of great educational activities for your family!
I love this idea!! Can’t wait to see what other books you do!
This would be great to win! Thanks!
I would really love to win this as a educational assistant ive had the privlage to work one on one with a autisim child he’s favortie right now is charlie and the choclate factory i read the book to him .
I have never won anything. . my 8 yo son who is in the autism spectrum and is obsessed with Charlie (the book,not the movie) would love this…
I was looking for lapbook ideas as my daughter and I read this book and found yours. I am curious though, why do you call it “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” when the book by Roald Dahl is actually titled “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”? The movie from the 70’s is called Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and I do love the movie, but since your unit is based on classic literature, I’m confused by the incorrect title.
Hate to be “that lady,” but I have to point out that the book is actually called “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”… might want to make a correction in your materials if still possible. The unit looks great!! We may use it as we are currently reading it! 🙂
I would like to purchase the classroom version for use at a co-op. Can you give me details on how to do this? Thanks!
Hello! I bought this charlie and the chocolate factory download a few years ago and am wanting to do it again with my younger son, but I cant find my download. I have my email receipt tho saying that I purchased it. Anyway i could get you to send it to me again?! I remember it being a lot of fun 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Nicole,
Please email me and I’ll get your links reset for you.