Welcome to Day 4 of my 10,000 Subscriber Celebration!

I have a confession. I hate socks. Never wear them. Not even in winter. Results: Dry, cracked heels. Too much info for a blog? Sorry! But, surely I’m not the only one, and since I found a solution…I had to share…even if it meant grossing people out.


I want to preface this review by saying that I try to be VERY careful with what I agree to review on my blog. I feel very strongly about not misleading my readers, and I absolutely do my darndest to protect your best interests!

That said, I was offered the chance to review MadeOn Bee Silk Hard Lotion a few weeks back. Being that I live in a dry area…and hate to wear socks…and was desperate for something to relieve my VERY dry hands and feet…I agreed. And now, my soft hands and feet are so very thankful that I did!


What is Hard Lotion?

Hard lotion is a lotion that is a solid at room temperature, but softens when rubbed into your skin. It looks like a bar of soap really, but its not. It is made of 3 simple ingredients: beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil. It was designed specifically to help protect hands and feet from dry cracked skin.

What’s The Cost?

  • 3 Pack: $17.75
  • Family Size Bar: $9.95
  • Pocket Size Bar: $5.95 (This is very small, good for your purse. I’d recommend the family size which is more like the size of a bar of soap)

At first it was a little weird rubbing a hard lotion bar on my heels and hands. The beeswax makes your hands feel a little sticky, but it soaks in quite quickly and then…oooh…it feels GREAT!

I noticed a distinct difference in my feet and hands in about 3 days of continual use. Now I’m sold! I use it daily now, and have found the best time is right before bed when I can apply it to my feet then let it soak in while I’m sleeping. Even though I still don’t wear socks, my feet are all nice and soft just like when I was younger!


Image by MadeOn Lotion website

I also tried it on my preschooler who has eczema on her legs. It took a little longer to work on her but I kept using it. After about a week of continual use, I’m happy to report that her eczema is totally gone and her legs are smooth as a babies bottom! And trust me when I say I’ve tried just about everything to get rid of it. YAY! I also used the lip balm on my son’s chapped lips and they were better overnight. No kidding…overnight! I hope you know you can trust me by now!

The only thing that didn’t work for us was the diaper rash cream. See, how I’m honest? The ingredients are coconut oil, zinc oxide, and beeswax, so nothing too crazy. I’m not certain why it didn’t work, but it seemed to aggravate my Teeny Tot’s hiney. So I’m thinking she may be allergic to one of the ingredients! I hope it’s not bees…?

So, sans diaper rash cream, we absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this product! The only problem at this point for us is that our bar is almost gone…sigh…. :o(

Buy It:

Visit the MadeOn Bee Silk Hard Lotion to purchase your own bar.

Win It:

Since I love to share products that I love, and since Renee from MadeOn is such a nice person, she’s offered to giveaway a FREE 3 pack of products for you to try yourself! What will you win?

  • 1 Family-size lotion bar (Love it, can’t live without it!)
  • 1 Pocket-size lotion bar
  • 1 lip balm (This stuff rocks by the way!)


Additional Optional Entries:

@ericahomeschool is giving away a free Bee Silk Bar! Enter thru 8/12/11: /?p=1321

Giveaway Information:

  • The give away will be open until midnight EST Friday August 12, 2011. Winner will be announced by Sunday August 14, 2011.
  • Make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry, winner will be chosen at random!
  • Please leave a way for me to contact you in your entry otherwise another winner will be chosen.
  • This giveaway is offered to US residents only!
  • This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
  • NOTE: In order to enter the contest you must leave a comment on THIS post. To leave a comment scroll to the bottom of the post and click “Post a comment” (If you are reading this via RSS, you will need to visit my actual blog to post a comment.)
  • Disclosure: I was provided with free MadeOn products to review on my blog. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but were not influenced by the company or the free product provided.


  1. I would love to try this on my dd’s hands. They get so dry they crack and bleed. I have 7 kids and they are always experiencing dry hands and feet – especially on the farm 🙂

  2. Oh, I SO need this. I don’t like wearing socks either and wear flip flops just about all year long (yep, even when it’s freezing outside) if I can get away with it. Would love to try this for my dry skin as well. My daughter has Psoriasis in places so I am wondering if this will help with that (she can’t stand the greasy ointments)!

  3. I would *love* to try this brand out! I’m an acupuncturist, which means a lot of hand-washing and alcohol swiping. Combined with already-dry skin, it gets kind of nightmarish! The only thing I’ve ever found that works is beeswax-based lotion, because it stays on even with lots of soap and alcohol and water.

    Incidentally, if your little one is having a reaction to the diaper ointment, it’s most likely the coconut. I haven’t run across anyone with an allergy to beeswax or zinc oxide, but I have run across people with a coconut allergy. It’s possible Teeny is allergic to one of the plants the bees used to make the beeswax, but if so you’d probably have noticed something in the way of seasonal allergies by now. If this is a rash that just won’t go away EVER, it’s also possible Teeny’s diaper rash is actually a food sensitivity – my daughter had a terrible skin reaction that started as diaper rash but wouldn’t go away no matter what, and it turned out to be a dairy allergy. Check out FAAN (Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network – http://www.foodallergy.org/) for information about pediatrician guidelines for testing children for food allergies.

    That’s probably way more information than you needed, but it’s information I wish I’d had!

  4. Why do I need this? I have dry feet, hands, and skin in general — and I am sensitive to a lot of the fragrances and additives that are in other lotions. Thanks for sharing this review. I realy like reading your blog. You inspire me. : )

    Bim W

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