Now, I know I’ve promoted this on my alphabet activities, but this is the first time it wasn’t safely contained in a Ziploc Bag. Let’s just say there was a lot of squeals and screams, mostly by me.

Once the initial excitement wore off, we did math…


We practiced spelling and numbers…


We made art…


We played…

I would recommend providing a clean bowl of water so they can wash off their hands in between as needed. And the bonus here is that clean up was fairly easy and left my counter nice and clean!

P.S. Don’t clap your hands together, or this will happen…


Note: I would recommend cleaning this BEFORE your husband gets home and says to you “Seriously, what were you thinking!?!”


  1. LOL! Isn't it these times that stay the longest in our kids' and our memories. That's what it's all about – the journey, the memories!! LOOKS LIKE TONS OF FUN! I did shaving cream with Turbo and had him keep it in a cookie sheet. Sort of free, sort of contained.I want to know what Tiny Tot was getting into during this fun activity. She's the cutest!

  2. Well, think of it this way, at least your table is very clean now, and so are the kids. Back when I was teaching we'd do this occasionally to get all of the stray crayon and marker writing off the desks.

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