Welcome to our Letter O Week! We are having fun with Octopus this week!
Letter O Memory Verse: O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good. Psalm 118:1
For our verses and accompanying games/stories we use the following books:
ABC Memory Verses & My ABC Bible Verses
Song time:
Hide ‘Em in Your Heart Vol 1
Hide ‘Em In Your Heart Songs – Vol 2
A-Z Handwriting Worksheets: These worksheets have practice lines plus upper and lowercase letter writing practice. You can also laminate or put in page protectors so they can be reused!
Letter O Letter Hunt: Today we used our do-a-dot markers to highlight all of the letter O’s in the story!
Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and put up the letter O on our Alphabet Tree! You can download my small alphabet letters here.
Letter Oo Do-A-Dot Page: We use Do-a-Dot Art Markers with this!
Number Clip Cards: The clip cards are to either put in order 1-10, or clip the correct amount of paper clips on, or mini-clothes pins, or cheerios, whatever you can use to get them counting!
Octopus Coloring Page: We color this, paint it, or use markers. I found some that fit my 3 year old well, they’re called Pip-Squeaks Washable Markers. They’re shorter and easier for her to use. These pictured are chubby markers, they also make a skinny version. I got mine at Wal-mart.
Letter Poking Page: I found this fun idea on Activity Mom. Instead of tracing, we are going to use a toothpick, or we have these cute Oversized Push Pins, to poke holes through the paper in the shape of the letter. Print on regular paper for easier poking, and do this one on carpet Another idea would be to hole punch along the lines of the letter as well. Both work on motor skills!
Oo Tracing Card:I made this for kiddos who aren’t quite ready for my pre-writing or writing practice books. Its large and easier to trace. You could use markers, or laminate and use with Expo Dry Erase Markers
Letter O Scavenger Hunt:Fill the box with things that start with O! Some ideas: octopus, ostrich, orange, olive.
Octopus Numbers Practice: I laminate this and use with Expo Dry Erase Markers for pre-writing practice skills.
Octopus Puzzle: Cut along the guides for a fun 6 piece beginner’s puzzle!
Octopus Pattern Activity: Just use the pieces to practice pre-math pattern skills.
Octopus Magnet Page: I use this with a cookie sheet and these pom-pom magnets I made from pom-poms and self-sticky magnets from the craft isle in Wal-mart. I also use these magnets from Amazon: Power Magnets, 0.75 inch Diameter, Assorted Colors
Color matching puzzles: You can download them here, I printed, laminated then cut the octopus in half to make them into puzzles.
Oo lacing cards: I just printed big O’s on construction paper, laminated and punched holes! You can download my Large Alphabet A-Z lacing cards here.
Octopus Letter Matching: This is a fun letter matching activity, that practices both upper and lowercase letters recognition! If you’re looking for more challenge, use the uppercase card with the lowercase letter disks or visa versa! (The download includes upper and lowercase letter disks and activity cards) Click here to see the process of making the letters. I also made some Oscar and COOkie Monster cards, click here to download the Sesame Street Cards.
(Please note, the original idea for this game came from Tot School and Carisa’s blog.)
Octopus Lacing Card: I make sure to laminate this one for durability, then punch with a hole punch every inch or so for lacing practice. Teach them patterns to do with this as well, like up from the bottom each time, or in-out-in-out sewing. Whatever pattern you can think of.
Octopus Graphing: I laminate this and then have them either color in the dots with Expo Dry Erase Markers, or put bingo markers or little valentine heart candies on it.
Octopus Floor Numbers: I made these large floor numbers so that we can play a hopscotch type game. I call out a number and she jumps to it! You could also have them put the cards in numerical order. The number cards go from 1-10. Here’s a sample of them from our Letter V week.
Octopus Cutting Practice: Simply print and let your child try cutting along the lines!
Letter O sign language practice:
Octopus Counting game: This download comes with number tiles and 10 octopus to put on page. Simply place a number in the square then have your child put the correct amount of octopus pieces on the game board.
Nature Walk Outdoor study grid, she’ll find 6 things in nature and draw pictures of them.
Octopus Size Sort game: Organize game pieces by size, then discuss what Small, Medium and Large mean. You candownload it here.
11 x 11 Pin Geoboard: We use these to make letters, numbers, shapes etc!
Foam Letter Builders: I cut the shapes from foam and let her use them to make the letters. You could also use my Magnetic Letter Builders as well!
Finger Tracing Paint Bag: This is simple and fun, I filled a bag with tempura paint, you could also use cheap shaving cream. Then I’ll tape it to her desk for her to practice writing her letter on using her finger. You could also skip the bag and put shaving cream on your counter if you’re feeling brave ;o) After we do the letters we do numbers, shapes, and whatever else we can think of!
Letter Collage Worksheets: The download includes letters A-Z as well as a collage idea sheet. We use the collage items as objects to decorate our letters for an alphabet book. We also color, paint, and stamp them. Since we use both upper and lowercase, I have provided both for you! Click here to download the Letter Collages:
Color Cubes: I use our Large Alphabet Lacing Cards to serve as templates for our 1″ building blocks. We pick 2 colors of blocks and do a pattern as we form the letters! We also use them for lacing practice, but this was a variation since I’ve been making the shaped lacing cards too! Click here for more fun with Creative Color Cube Activity Cards
rOll the Dice game: I downloaded this from 7 Renfros, your child rolls a die then circles that number on the path. For example a number 2 is rolled, the child would find the line with the number 2’s and circle the first 2 in the line for that bug. The first number rolled 10 times wins. Draw a star or a ribbon in the box for the bug who won the race. I laminated mine so that we could do it a few times, then we just used the dry erase markers on it.
Letter Bead Lacing: I’ll put an index card in this box with the word “octopus” so she knows the order of the letters. I got my lacing beads from Lakeshore Learning but these look more fun to me: Bead Bazaar Lacing Kits – Alphabet Lacing Kit
Play Balloon Volleyball: A good friend of mine over at 7renfros suggested a fun game called “Balloon volleyball”, its basically a toddler-friendly version of regular volleyball. Kids take turns batting a balloon up in the air, with the goal of trying to keep it off the ground as it floats downward. You can shout out words that start with the letter “O” each time you hit the balloon! Thanks Melissa, great idea!
Letter Hunt: I created some Letter Hunt worksheets that you can download.
Kumon ABCs Uppercase Write & Wipe Flash Cards, they also have lowercase cards and Numbers.
Magnetic Alphabet Builders: You can download the magnetic alphabet file here. I have a Xyron 9″ laminator and I found some magnetic laminate from Joann’s. (Use a 40% off coupon as its a little pricey!) I rolled the printout through the magnetic laminate and cut it out and voila!
Letter Identification: Pick out the letter “O” and “o” from the others using Magnetic Alphabet Letters and whiteboard:
Family Fun Night: Have some oranges or orange juice and read Owl Babies
Or watch the animated online version: Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Note: To get all of the games in my Letter of the Week curriculum, please check out the full curriculum in my store!
See my Money Saving Tips for help with printing, laminating and FAQs!
I would like to try the "rOll the Dice game" I saw on the Letter O. I went to the place you got it ("I downloaded this from 7 Renfros)" but it said I was not invited to the blog and could not open it. Any suggestions of how I might get that activity?
Antoinette: Hi, I apologize, there's nothing I can do, it looks like she closed down her blog to outside viewers. She may just be working on it? You could try again later, but otherwise I can't get the file for you.
This is an amazing list! You definitely know what you’re talking about. Thanks for sharing. I’m definitely going to use these ideas with my boys!
Are these still available free to print? I tried to download through the 4shared site and it said the file link I requested was not valid. Just trying to eliminate possibilities of what I am doing wrong… Thanks!
Are these still available to print? I’m working on Letter O this week and wanted to add a couple more ideas to my little ones curriculum.
Hi! I love all these letter of the week printables. I’m really excited to start home school with my son this year. I noticed some of your downloads are available via PDF as a pack which has been really helpful.
However, some open a new page to a website called 4Shared.com. When I go to the 4shared.com site for downloads (for example the O-octopus themed printables), not only does the site seem sketchy and so I’m worried about downloading it from there, but it has some pretty nasty advertisements on the webpages. Pornographic in nature to be exact. Do you have a pack to download for all the letters in one place by chance?
Thanks so much for all you do to offer a budget friendly curriculum to home school families!
Hi Marissa,
I’m so sorry, I’ve talked to 4shared multiple times and they say they don’t allow that on their sites. If you do find something and feel like it, please send me a screen shot so I can send it to them to show them. I need to know which file it is on as well. Again I apologize, I’ve been trying to work with them regarding the ads showing up on my printables.
One way that you can avoid all of those is to just purchase the LOTW program. It’s only $15 and you get EVERYTHING plus bonus files along with daily lesson plans as well which is a nice addition.
HI Erica,
Thanks for your response! I will send you some screen shots so you have some proof!
If I purchase the LOTW, does is come with the print outs, or is it just a download? I’m definitely interested. I want to try a couple weeks with my son to get a feel for how he does and then I’ll adjust my lessons and purchase the whole thing if I need. Thanks!
HI Erica,
Thanks for your response! I will send you some screen shots so you have some proof!
If I purchase the LOTW, does is come with the print outs, or is it just a download? I’m definitely interested. I want to try a couple weeks with my son to get a feel for how he does and then I’ll adjust my lessons and purchase the whole thing if I need. Thanks!
Also, I don’t have Microsoft Outlook, and I couldn’t find another way to contact you.
Hi Marissa,
The LOTW comes as a download or CD format only right now, then you will print whatever you would like for your family. You don’t have to have outlook to contact me, you can contact me using any email host.
Hi Erica, I have downloaded some letter of the week printables in the past but for some reason it won’t let me this morning. I have tried the letter E graphing as well as letter O graphing. I keep getting the 4shared screen but it is not the normal one where you actually download the files. Any ideas? THanks -Karen
My two oldest really enjoyed your free Letter of the Week printable. I was hoping to use them with my youngest this year. But it appears several of the links on this page are no longer working.
Hi Erica, is it possible to download letter `o’ for free or do you buy the whole letter of the week package? Thanks so much. Leah
Hi Leah,
I’m sorry I’m working on transferring files from an older server so some aren’t avail. right now. But you can get it through the LOTW package if you can’t wait.
How can I download the color matching octopus activity?
You can get the rest of the activities in my Letter of the Week curriculum in my store