I made some fun Easter activities for our family and thought I’d share early so you have plenty of time to make them! These items could easily be made into an Easter Lapbook so I also included a Lapbook Cover Page and Game Piece Pockets if you want them. Enjoy!

Lapbook Cover Page and Lapbook Pockets

lapbookcoverpage pockets

Easter Number Matching: Cut out each egg, then cut in half along the dotted line. Match the number on top with the correct amount of dots on the bottom to complete the puzzles! (Numbers 1-10 included in download)


Roll an Easter Egg: Roll the dice and put together the egg puzzle depending on the number you roll!


Counting Eggs: These are fun to put in numerical order! I also these with either mini-clothes pins, colored paper clips, or put a hole in them and have her attach chain links to them. Whatever you use, just have them put on the correct amount for the number on the card. This would be cute to use with little Jelly Beans as counters! (Numbers 1-10 included in download)


Easter Coloring: We color this, paint it, or use markers. I found some that fit my 3 year old well, they’re called Pip-Squeaks Washable Markers. They’re shorter and easier for her to use. These pictured are chubby markers, they also make a skinny version. I got mine at Wal-mart. Click on image to download:

Easter Dice Game: Roll the die, and each time your number is rolled you get to move ahead one space!


Easter Egg Matching Game: Page 1 is the game board, and page two are the game pieces! Cut apart page 2 pieces and play the matching game!


Easter Tic-Tac-Toe: The download contains a game board and pieces.


Easter Bingo: I made 4 different game cards, and will use them with clear plastic bingo markers or maybe jelly belly candies.


Easter Color Matching Puzzles: Cut each cross out, then cut in half in random ways for fun color matching puzzles.


Cross Lacing Card: I laminate this, then cut it out and hole punch every inch or so for a lacing card.


Easter Magnet Page: I put this on a cookie sheet and use it with Power Magnets.


Easter Puzzle: I laminate for durability, then cut along the lines for a great beginner’s puzzle.


Matthew 28:5-6 verse cards: Cut out the cards, then put in numerical order to read the verse! You could also hide the cards around the room, and have your children go on a hunt to find all the cards to receive their special message!


Other Great Easter resources we hope to use:

  • Lace-Edged Napkin Craft
  • Paper Butterflies
  • Pom-pom Chicks
  • Flocked Easter Eggs
  • Easter Bunny Crafts
  • Ribbon Wrapped Easter Eggs
  • A cute bunny knitting project

NOTE: If you’re not familiar with Lapbooks,


Happy Easter! Hope you all have a great day celebrating our Risen Christ!



  1. I love all of your worksheets..what kind of printer do you use? I know I read before you "bite the bullet on the cost of ink", but I am looking to replace mine for something more effective. Suggestions? Thanks so much!

  2. I, yet AGAIN, benefit from your generosity! Thank you so much!(Also, I just want you to know, that I ALWAYS link back to your site when we use your stuff on my blog page- EVERY homeschool family needs to know about you!)

  3. JENNY: I have a Canon i9900. It's a large format printer so I can print 12×12 scrapbook pages, but it prints quite well too. If you're just looking for a regular sized printer, I'd probably go with an HP, always had good quality from them. I also have an Epson, but I'm not thrilled with the printing quality, I got it for scanning mostly. Hope that helps a little! Thanks for reading 🙂

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