Top Tips for Making Homeschool fun!
I love making homeschooling engaging and hands-on experience for my kids! Stop by today’s post for my top ideas to making school fun!
I love making homeschooling engaging and hands-on experience for my kids! Stop by today’s post for my top ideas to making school fun!
Hi everyone! I’m back again today with our top kindergarten homeschool curriculum picks for you. I hope these posts are helping you all plan your homeschool year. If you have any suggestions for helpful planning posts let me know and I’ll see what I can do! If you missed my…
Hi everyone! I always post my curriculum for each year prior to the start of our school year. But I’ve had some requests to post our curriculum choices by grade level to help out people trying to choose curriculum for a certain year. I thought that would be a great…
good morning readers! It’s been a little while since I did an update on what the Teeny Tot is doing. We just got back from spring break and she’s been working diligently on her kindergarten year. She’s reading well now, and still having fun doing all of the K4 Kindergarten…
We’ve spent quite a bit of time reviewing different curriculum for our family and hopefully our experiences will be able to help you out as well! Click on the subject below to see all of our reviews. Stop by our COAH COMMUNITY to see our Curriculum Forum discussions! You can…
Hi everyone! I have an amazing Mega Math Bundle for you today! This mega bundle includes 36 unique printables to help your preschooler and kindergartner work on their beginning math skills! Other than printing the files, there is literally NO PREP required to use this pack. You can just pull…
Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a fun summer break…if you take one that is. We are, and we’re looking at starting back up in August, so I’m trying to get everything prepared and ready to go! Today I thought it would be fun to do a video review of…
Hi everyone! Welcome to the Teeny Tot’s Letter U preschool week where we’ll be having fun with Umbrellas! Letter U Memory Verse: “Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks.” Psalm 75:1 For our verses and accompanying games/stories we use the following books:…
Hi everyone! Today I have some more fun educational iPad Apps for you. I wanted to focus more on apps for Preschool – First Grade. So today I’m sharing some of the top picks from the Teeny Tot and Tinker Bell. We’re currently playing with a new math app that…