ABC Memory Verses
I like to have our My ABC Bible Verses somewhere I can see them for easy reference each week. With that in mind I created this simple printable for my wall: Click here to download the A-Z Memory Verses I also post the weekly verse on my white board…
Ear Protection for Peace!
In a house with 4 young children all trying to learn simultaneously, I’ve found that focusing can be an issue. My son, is the one who usually suffers most. Being a man, he’s not great at multi-tasking, unlike my daughter who can do her worksheet, while bouncing the baby on…
Horses Lapbook
This was one of our first lapbooks, so it wasn’t too exciting. Plus I had a hard time finding Horse information to download! Most of the printables for this lapbook came from AngelFire. It is a simple 1 folder lapbook and includes: What Horses Eat Horse Breeds How to measure…
Letter Collage Worksheets
I use these for almost every letter, so I finally made them in a download for you too! The download includes letters A-Z as well as a collage idea sheet. We use these items as objects to decorate our letters for an alphabet book. Since we use both upper and…
Letter Of The Week
Download my ENTIRE preschool Letter of the Week set now! Buy Now NOTE: After completing payment click ‘Return to Merchant’ to get to the download link. If you don’t get it, please email me at erica {at} confessionsofahomeschooler dot com. So what’s in the Letter of the Week curriculum? Click…
Dolphin and Whales Lapbook
My daugher’s first lapbook was on dolphin and whales. I downloaded all the content for this lapbook from Homeschool Share. It is a simple single file folder lapbook, here is the inside of the book: This lapbook contains: Toothed vs Baleen Whale Anatomy How long are they? Dolphin or Porpoise?…