Prek Letter W

Welcome to the Letter W. We’ll be having fun with Watermelon this week! Hope you enjoy it! (Scroll down for the puzzle download!) Letter W Memory Verse: “We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 For our verses and accompanying games/stories we use the following books: ABC…

Ch-ch-ch Changes!

I’ve been doing a little spring cleaning, on my blog that is! I was starting to get that “cluttered” feeling, and so I went for an overhaul. I’m not entirely done, I have planned some more detailed coding that’s going to require some assistance from my loving husband, but for…

Breakfast In Bed!

I’m happy to introduce our newest felt food pattern, Breakfast in Bed! This cute little pattern includes full scale patterns, step by step instructions along with colorful pictures! It includes: Sunny Side Up Eggs Bacon Slices Sausage Links Pancakes Syrup Butter pats Orange Slices Banana Slices Get the Breakfast in…

Prek Letter X

Welcome to the Letter X. We’ll be having fun with Xylophones this week! Letter X Memory Verse: “eXceeding great and precious promises are given unto us” 2 Peter 1:4 For our verses and accompanying games/stories we use the following books: ABC Memory Verses & My ABC Bible Verses Read Chicka…