Ack, where is the time going? I can’t believe my once precious little 5lb baby boy is turning 6 today! I have to say that I love each day I get to spend with this little guy, he’s super funny, always to the point, and has a laugh so contagious that it has been requested as a ring tone on more than one of my friend’s phones!
Happy Birthday little man, or should I say young man {sigh}, I’m so glad God let us be your family, you ROCK!!
Happy Birthday!!!! Time goes by so quickly…
Happy Birthday!! It does go so quick! Sammy got the little version of the bike in the picture for his 3rd birthday.. and I just flashed forward picturing him on that big bike! I sure it will feel like no time!
Our 4th will be six this month too…where is the time going??
happy birthday!!! 🙂
Awhhhh! Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to your darling young lad! The time just flies by.
happy 6th bday to your boy!
naw 🙂 happy birthday!
aww, Happy Birthday S! We're birthday buddies!!! How fun, because my M and your K are also birthday buddies!!! Anymore shared birthday's in there? LOL. I hope he had a great day!!
Happy birthday! 🙂