Hi everyone! Here is the Monthly Meal Plan for June 2o11! I apologize for the last minute, but apparently my brain is on summer break. I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted until I went to see what was for dinner tonight!
Then I did the “Ack, it’s 5pm and I have no plan!” freak out. Then I made up some super fast tacos. Then I sat down and posted this!
Click below to download the June 2011 Monthly Meal Plan!
June 2011 Plan ~ Word Doc {editable}
I just had to say that I am amazed that you plan a month of meals at a time. Some weeks I am lucky if I can think of anything for a few nights. Thanks for sharing!
How do you not get tired of staying home most of the time and cooking everyday?? I haven't started homeschooling yet~ but I have tried to cook all week! Did really well expect for Saturday night! Ended up eating out! I get so tired of cooking and cleaning up the kitchen and doing the dishes! I swear my life would be so much easier with a dishwasher, but we have yet to get one~~ :/ So anyway~~ Whats your secret for not losing you mind! ;)p Thanks Erica~~ love your blogs~~ Val
LOL! I haven't found the secret to not losing my mind yet! I don't cook everyday, we do go out and occasionally I just bail on dinner, and the hubby has to take us out LOL! But I do try to keep up with my plan, and just having one makes me feel better and less stressed out about meals! I also shop off my menu so I know i have the right items needed for each day. Much less stressful!
I just came across your website and am TRULY thankful for all of the things you have posted. My life has been a little hectic recently and your monthly meal plan is AH-MA-ZING! Thank you so much!!!!