My little man worked hard today, did all his worksheets and fun boxes with no complaining! Love it! here he is doing his phonics worksheets, he actually likes these:
A fun book I found in the ‘bargain’ section of Borders, they had lots of educational books on sale. This one was $3, its a magnetic letters spelling book by Magnix called “Spelling Bee”.
A number puzzle from Lakeshore Learning.
Finally, the fun box: A wooden airplane craft, he glued and is now painting it.
His box lineup for tomorrow:
Blend ladder review, he’s been writing letters on the ends of these to make words, doing very well. You can download a copy of my blend ladders here.
Measuring Game downloaded from here.
Tall/Short, Long/Short measuring game, his mission, should he choose to accept it (did I mention homeschool isn’t optional?) is to find 4 things in our house that are: Tall, short, long and short, measure them, noting the measurement, and draw them.
After that its outside for our nature study, he’ll use a similar graphing, pick 6 things outside to draw and discuss. You can download my science grid form here.