To Starch or Not To Starch, that’s the question! So in today’s video, I’m showing you how to use liquid starch to make your fabric nice and crisp!

Starching is a great way to keep the fabric from distorting when quilting, especially if you are cutting or sewing on the bias. It yields more accurate blocks, which in turn makes for more accurate and beautiful quilts! I also highly recommend starching your fabric when working with small pieces and mini-quilts!
I also have a post on a variety of starching options, and even a recipe to make your own! You can find that in this blog post.
Watch How to Starch Fabric here!
how much would you use if you were starching one shirt by soaking? I’m trying to starch my white cotton shirts and the bottle doesn’t explain how much to put with water for shirts or individual clothing articles so if you can help me it would be greatly appreciated ! Thank You
I usually eyeball the amount based on how much fabric I have to starch. For just one shirt maybe 1 Cup starch + 1 Cup Water? That’s just a guess though, you may need more depending on the size of the shirt.