I have a super easy and fun craft idea to share with you today. My Fabric Tie Wreath is a perfect craft for kids and adults, and they make great gift ideas too!
And the best part is they use up some of that scrap stash you’ve probably got built up so they are practically free to make!
Except for mine, because I have a lot. A. LOT. OF. SCRAPS. And I’ll probably have to make a million of these to dent my stash! But let’s see how much we can use up today shall we?

Ready to get started?
Watch Erica’s Fabric Tie Wreath tutorial here!
- Wire coat hanger
- Scissors or a 45mm rotary trimmer
- Lots of fun fabric scraps! (Approximately 1.5″ x 8″)
- About 20 minutes to kill and maybe a few helpers! 😉

And that’s it friends! Now I think we’ll go make about 100 more because this one didn’t even dent my extensive scrap collection! To be fair, I’ve been collecting for years now so…
Happy crafting!