Snowflake Craft

Ready to have a little fun making some super cute winter decorations? This easy snowflake popsicle craft is so easy and fun you’ll want to make a bunch to decorate your home! Supplies: Popsicle sticks (4 per snowflake) Craft Glue Fake Snow (I found sparkly snow and it looked great!)…

The Crafty Corner

Hi everyone, I have some exciting news! I’m going to be writing a monthly column for the Totally Tots blog called “The Crafty Corner”! Here you will be able to find TONS of great craft ideas from mom’s all over the web-o-sphere, and at the main site, more ideas then…

Sugarcone Christmas Tree

Whatever would possess me to mop my floor before doing our edible Christmas Trees I’ll never know, but just fyi…not a wise choice. And might I just add that I doubt my kitchen will ever fully recover from the glitter after this year’s Christmas Craft month. Anyhow, with the potential…

Christmas Reading & Viewing!

Here are some of the books we’ve been enjoying this Christmas season! Widgets And here are some of our favorite Christmas movies: Widgets