How to Block Knit and Crochet Projects
Blocking your knit and crochet projects is such an easy part of the process, and it can really change the look of your finished project!
Blocking your knit and crochet projects is such an easy part of the process, and it can really change the look of your finished project!
Stop by and learn this EASY way to make a crochet granny square, perfect for beginners!
Join me for the Sew With Me Block #9! Today I’m showing you how to starch fabric, deal with ‘bias’ seams, and press open!
Get the MAY Quilty Vintage Truck of the Month Block today! It features adorable tulips and a sweet watering can!
Join me for Ep. 15 of my crafting podcast! I’m sharing some fun new projects, sneak peeks, and giveaways!
Stop by and download the May Vintage Stitchy Truck of the Month! It features adorable tiny tulips!
Join me for part 3 of my English Paper Piecing tutorials, today I’m sharing my top tips for sewing your pieces!
Stop by to see why we LOVE this new vocabulary curriculum, and how you can enter to win a free copy!
Join me for PART 2 of our EPP series, today I’ll show you how to choose fabric, fussy cut, and baste your pieces!