Hi everyone! I wanted to do something fun and unusual today, so I made a homeschool room tour video to share with you all!

I’m so sorry, it turned out kind of long, so I had to break it up into two parts. But for those of you interested in seeing our room “live” so to speak, grab a cup of coffee (you’ll need it to stay awake) and join me on a tour of our homeschool room!

Also, keep in mind this is my first real video…um. yeah…just keep that in mind ;o) and it ended up being really long! Sorry I’ll try to talk less in future videos LOL!

Our Homeschool Room Tour Pt. 1

Our Homeschool Room Tour Pt. 2 (Yes…there’s actually more!)

So that’s our current homeschool room for 2012-2013, I hope you enjoyed the video!

Here are links to all of the items mentioned above!

My school room is about 11′ x 14′, the total size of the desk is about 5′x5′. Here are the items mentioned from Ikea:

Here are some more posts on homeschool things we love:


  1. Thanks Erica for the details. I have a similar sized room with a similar vibe but not nearly as organized. My room has a closet that I have locked to store things that the kids will get into. Right now my kids are 7,5,3,18mo, and a baby due in April. I don’t know if it is just a discipline issue or not enough direct supervision but I can’t keep my kids out of the supplies, books, etc. I have to lock up games, puzzles, etc. or the pieces and parts would be dragged all over the house. Do your kids go into the school room “after hours” ? How do you manage all the little pieces and markers, etc. I could be gone to the bathroom and they would have started drawing on themselves by the time I returned. Plus my 18mo is a climber and would unload the shelves in a blink. I would love any input on controlling the flow of things in the room with lots of little ones around.

    Thank you!!

  2. Loved your tour! Great info on how you store everything. That’s been my struggle!! Thanks for the ideas! I loved your word wall. Can you tell me where you got the letters “word Wall?” And the leaves on it as well. I’ve looked on Trend and Lakeshore with no luck. Amazon as well. Please help! Thank you so much!!

    Cheryl Brower
  3. Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed watching this video! Best part, my hubby walked in as I was watching (and doing dishes!) and now he’s sold on us having a separate homeschool room when our girls are a bit older! yesssssss!!!!

  4. Thank you for your blog! I am just now starting to homeschool our PK4 and this has been a wonderful resource!

    I can’t help but notice on Video #2 at 11:17… who gets handcuffed during school? LOL. Just kidding!

  5. Hello, Eric

    You list the Copper Hopper 10 drawer rolling cart. I am not sure if I heard you mention what you use it for in the video. So, my question would be…what do you use or store in your rolling cart?

  6. The Letter of the Week binders are great! I am just wondering what happens with all of the materials after your done with homeschooling a specific age group? Do you sell the materials somewhere? I am looking to homeschool my son next year when he turns 3 and looking for a place to get started. Thanks for the tutorial 🙂

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