Today I want to share with you the difference between an Abiding Mom and a Super Mom. It was written by my good friend Renee a few years ago, and with her blessing, I created this printable to share with you all! I am daily convicted by this chart, and use it as a reminder to keep my priorities in line with God’s priorities.

I pray it will bless you as well!

Click here for a printable version

I pray you all have a blessed day as you seek to abide in Him!


  1. Thank you so much for this!! I have looked at it more times than I can count as it seems like there are those days when I just think about ‘doing’ instead of being led by His will. Again thank you!!!

  2. Dear Erica (& your friend, Renee),

    This simple Abiding-mom chart has been such a tremendous blessing to me for quite a while (probably two years now). It is so simple, and so unassuming, yet POWERFUL. I’m serious!!! This little one-page chart has helped me to realign my priorities and to balance my call to our family and to missions. I specifically work with missionaries throughout the world, who struggle with balancing the dual-call of God on their lives — as parents, to love and care for their own families, and as missionaries, to fulfill God’s Great Commission and to meet often very “urgent” needs (like rescuing orphans, or helping others in desperate situations). Finding God’s daily divine-balance for the missionary life can often be challenging (and some families have “shipwrecked” by trying to be “super-missionaries” instead of simply “abiding-missionaries”).

    This chart (and the powerful scriptures referred to) has helped me, probably more than any other reference tool. I have kept a copy of this chart with my Bible and my journal, and I refer to it daily. Renee, thank you so much for letting this be “birthed” in your heart, and Erica, thank you for your time in making this chart and having it available to help others. May God bless you both so much!!!

    1. Hi Ann,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful email! I’m truly blessed to know Renee, and to have others like you who are out working so hard to bless and encourage others by sharing God’s Word!

  3. Thank you for making such a beautiful printable of this! I’ve had the “old” version on my fridge for months now, and I wanted to print off a new one to put in the cover of my homeschooling binder. I found this beautiful new one! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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