I hesitate to post this, because discipline is a sticky topic, but I think some of you may find it useful, so with that said, please don’t judge me, I’d just like to share for those of you who are interested…so…here goes.

After reading Creative Correction, I decided to take her ideas and make a spreadsheet to help us be more consistent in the training up of our children. I highly recommend this book its very clever and has lots of great ideas! More than I could share here!

It has been extremely helpful! Whenever a ‘sin’ is committed, we all go to the ‘chart’ and see what the consequence is along with a memory verse to ponder. It has really taken the weight off of me, I simply say “uh-oh, let’s go to the consequence chart! No more ‘mad’ mommy, and no more ‘inconsistent’ mommy! I’d suggest to get your husband on board too, so everyone is on the same page.We make sure to pray together at the end of every consequence if it’s not a Laundry Room consequence, what is a laundry room consequence you ask? Well…

Laundry Room Consequence: (This idea came from a good friend of mine!) I made a small sign that has a picture of a child praying, and a smiley face and put it on the wall in our laundry room. Before implementing this consequence, take your kids into the laundry room and show them your sign. Discuss how things go in there dirty, and come out clean. When we sin, our hearts are dirty and need to be cleaned. The solution is to pray to Jesus, confess our sin to Him and ask Him to clean our hearts. We practice this. Then we look at the smiley face and say that they need to smile until they mean it. When they are done with those 2 things they may come out of the Landry room and come show you their clean heart and new smile!

Click on the links below to download:

I hope you have found this helpful, and again, every family is different, this is just what we do to help us be consistent and Godly in our parenting!


  1. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this. However we discipline, it is great to see other ways of handling it. I have seen two other "If/Then" Charts, but yours seem much smaller and simpler (in a good way). Love the laundry simile thing!

  2. I just recently read Creative Corrections for the first time. LOVED it … well, except the spanking part. We don't spank, so I just kinda skipped over those parts.We recently came across Doorposts If/Then chart. It's very similar to what you worked up … though they have a few extra "offenses" added. I REALLY like the consequences you have worked up … gave me a few ideas for OUR If/Then chart.BLessings!

  3. We use the If/Then chart from Doorpost. We love it. But they also have a blessings chart. This has been great possitive reinforcement for my kids. basically it is the opposite of what is found on the if/then chart and it has scriptures of the blessings for doing what is right. I don't give them a mark on the blessings chart everytime, but i try to catch them doing something extra special. (telling the truth even if they will get in trouble) My mom just got me the vreative corrections book. I can't wait to read it.

  4. I love the way you tie in the 'clean/dirty' concept of the laundry room with their hearts! I have my "If/Then" and Blessing charts hung in the laundry room, as well as a great chore chart I need to get back into using. I was starting to ponder having this room be where we head for times of correction, but I just hadn't gotten there yet. You've inspired me and given a great idea! Thanks!!! (Now just to get more of the 'dirty' laundry out of the room so we can have room to discuss 'dirty' hearts!)

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