1. Oh my!I am so grateful I came across your site this morning. I can't wait to follow your blog. God Bless you for making this stay-at-home Mom feel like she's not alone! Can't wait to tell all of my home-school friends about your site.

    Glassford Mom
  2. Thanks so much for this resource! I was am in my seventh year of teaching, but my first year at a Classical Christian school. This is my first year to teach with ABeka (and any phonics curriculum) – I am so thankful you posted these. Thanks again!

  3. This site is a dream come true! I’ve been searching for phonics ladder’s for so long. It was how I learned to read when I went to a parochial school. My hubby went to public school and learned to read site words? Ugh. I will definitely be utilizing your site. I don’t know about the rest of the downloads, but the ladders I can open in our iPad and just scroll down! My son does go to public school, but we also teach him at home. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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