More from my workboxes day 2. As you can see, I only have 10 boxes, and for the older grades I agree with Sue Patrick, you should probably have 12 boxes, but I’ve found I can double up work into 1 box, then use the extra box for a ‘fun’ item and she doesn’t seem to mind!
Spelling book, page is tabbed with a sticky and pencil, I also put a ‘work with mom’ sticker on this box.
Pattern blocks just for fun, she likes these and I find if i put some fun stuff inbetween the ‘work’ stuff goes much better, even if I have to double up work in 1 box just to get a ‘fun’ box!
Geography: World Map today, to be colored and labeled

Spanish class…I also made my own matching ‘games’ for colors, numbers etc, just print and laminate!
Art page and Draw Write Now: horses, I put in paper, pencil and a sticky note for the page I want her to do.

Dolphin lapbook! So much fun, like I said in previous posts tons of free lapbooks from here. Lots of other info there too, just search for it! Also try searching their site for ‘workboxables’ tons of ideas even if you don’t do workboxes!
Thanks so much for sharing taking the time to share these. I am just getting started with workbox and your photos were a great help!
Love love love your blog! Hugs!
I do the same thing with my MUS blocks for the boys. I picked up these zipped pencil pouches that you can see through and put 2 each of the 1-10 blocks. I have an issue with uncontained blocks. LOL
Yeah, that's a good idea, I might do that with my 2nd grader too, I think it would be easier than digging through the whole bucket of blocks, plus we're always moving the bucket around! It'd be easier just to have some that can fit in her box in a little baggie! Thanks!