Hi everyone! It’s time to get ready for our upcoming homeschool year, and today I’m sharing my 10th grade homeschool curriculum picks with you!
I was a little nervous to homeschool high school but last year went great, and I’m even more excited about this year! Since I have a 10th grader, I am purposely choosing curriculum that is a little more independent in nature for her. She’ll be honing in on her study skills and creating a schedule that works best for her. We chose curriculum that we feel will benefit her the best and she’ll be largely in charge of her overall daily routine.
Watch my 2018-2019 10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum video here!
Download our 10th Grade Homeschool Daily Schedule here:
- 10th Grade Daily Schedule (Editable Word Doc)
- 10th Grade Daily Schedule (PDF)
- 10th Grade Daily Schedule (Blank PDF)
Our 10th Grade Homeschool Curriculum choices for this year:
- Bible: Understanding the Times by Summit
- English: IEW Chanticleer Book 5
- Math: Math U See Algebra 2
- Literature: Holt Elements of Literature
- History: BJU 10th Grade online World History
- Science: BJU 10th Grade online Biology
- Writing: The IEW High School Essay Intensive and Following Narnia Vol. 2
- World Language: BJU Press Online Spanish 2 and Destinos Online Video Lessons
- Extra-curricular Activities: 4-H, Horse Judging
Options: We participate in a once a week options program through our local school district. They offer a variety of classes that help supplement our homeschooling. It also provides the kids with a fun day where they get to see their friends and participate in a classroom environment. Here is a list of her classes this year:
- Creative Writing
- Drawing
- Painting
- Theatre
Check out our Homeschool Room Tour here!
Need Help Getting Started?
Check out my new HOW TO HOMESCHOOL eCourse! In this course you will learn everything you need to know to be able to homeschool your children and have your BEST HOMESCHOOLING year yet!
Happy Back-to-School!
Good morning!! For some reason, I cannot access the video.
Oops sorry! I forgot to link the video! It’s fixed now
Thank you!
I enjoyed seeing your 10th grade picks. My oldest started 8th grade this year, so I’ve been thinking ahead to what we’ll do in high school.
I would love to see reviews on the BJU courses (esp. science and history) and what the difference between the “regular” courses and online (Can you reuse anything from online courses for younger siblings? Or are online courses more of a one-use/repurchase for each student?) are. We’ve used the BJU Writing & Grammar for a couple of years and I’m considering them for science and history in high school.
Thanks for the videos- I find them very useful!
The “regular” courses are where you teach the lessons, the distance online learning ones have video lessons that your student watches. I still facilitate their learning, but they watch the actual lesson online rather than me teaching it to them. You can probably reuse the hardcopies of text books with other siblings, but the online lessons are for one student and expire after one year.
I watched your video for 2017-18 school year where your daughter started Geometry. You said you would tell us what you thought about it. Just like you said, I’ve heard some doubts about their upper math and was wondering what made you stick with it? My daughter is doing Pre-Algebra and I’ve noticed slopes and other concepts being taught with other curriculum isn’t really introduced yet. Do you supplement with other worksheets to teach what hasn’t yet?
Hi Danielle, we just started last week, so we’re only a week and a half in so far. I haven’t supplemented yet, but I will probably put in basic skill review sheets randomly throughout the year. So far everything is going well.
How has the workload been for BJU DLO Biology? I am drawn to the material but hear it is very fast paced and a bit overwhelming. My daughter likes science right now (doesn’t LOVE it) and I don’t want to completely intimidate her. We use Summit Ministries Understanding the Times as well and LOVE it!!
Hi, it is a bit heavy, but we’re working through it. You can probably spread the lessons out a bit if it’s too much for her but there are a lot of quizzes and tests and content for sure!
I decided to give BJU Distance Learning a try for 9th Geography thanks to your 9th grade post. My son really liked it. Now, I am considering 10th Biology. I looked over the text, at least what I could see online and I know it’s right up his alley. However, I am curious about the labs. The lab kit looks quite expensive. I am willing to go to the expense if the labs are manageable. I would be grateful if you could share your experience with labs?
I did find these labs online that are a little more affordable: https://www.homesciencetools.com/science-curriculum-kits/
Hi Erica,
I’m wondering how you liked the BJU Spanish DLO program. It looks to be very reasonably priced, but I’ve read that it takes some students around two hours a day just to get through the assignments. I’d really appreciate hearing your thoughts on the curriculum. Thanks!
Hi Jennifer,
It didn’t take us two hours/day but there are several short videos to watch each day. I would kind of prefer it be one longer one. Then they usually have a short worksheet activity. I would say it takes about 45min/day. We did like it, sometimes I feel like they move a bit faster than my students were ready for, but it was a good option for us.
Hey Erica, what is your final opinion on BJU Science? Do you have to do everything that comes with it? Do you like it better than what you were using in the past? Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks
Hi Kelle,
We did like it, I will say that the 9th grade one is a little intense for a 9th grader in my opinion. My 10th grader did great with it this year though and really enjoyed it. But it is a lot of work.
I have been homeschooling for a while but I usually go direct from abeka and only use abeka books and keys, however this year my son wants to do auto mechanics as a extra curricular and I was wondering if he could do this as a full year for credit or do I have to have something else as a half year, his father has done mechanics for years and they will be pulling apart engines for a formula firebird and a harley davidson heritage I would think that would qualify but am unsure, does anyone know ?
I would think you could count that as an elective, but you might check with your local school district as well